Expert Tips on Raising Capital

Richard Singer, co-founder and CEO of and RaiseCapital TV, both outlets for entrepreneurs with start-ups, or existing businesses, to connect and share ideas with an array of investors regardless of geographic location, says that besides a killer business plan and concept, there are keys to attracting funding. He shares a few tips for success: … Continue reading

Don’t Sell. Train Customers to Buy

One of the great things we all love about social media at Small Business Daily is it’s ability to quickly deliver the latest information.  Information that we can easily deliver back to our readers.  Amongst other things, it helps us stay in touch with what friends and colleagues are up to. This article by Robert … Continue reading

Do People Owe Your Business Money? – Should You Hire a Mobster? No!!!!!!!

Most businesses today have clients that are good people, who want to pay their outstanding balances, but they just can’t seem to pull enough cash together to write that check. What should you do? No, do not hire someone like Luca Brasi. Something much simpler (and legal) is to use a tool like Pay Pal, … Continue reading

The “Big”, Scary Tax Increase for Small Business: What You Need to Know

The Big Tax Increase Facing Small Business Dean Zerbe, 06.09.10, 10:50 AM EDT Hedge fund taxes get all the attention. Congress is about to raise billions in taxes on some doctors, accountants and architects. While a possible increase in taxes on the “carried interest” of hedge fund and private equity money managers is getting … Continue reading

FamilyPreneurship: 10 Tips for Working with Family

Becoming an entrepreneur is hard enough as it is, but imagine owning a small business and you need to discuss a problem with an employee… and it’s your little brother. When you throw family into the mix it becomes even more complicated to effectively run a business.  There’s an emotion level not found in other … Continue reading

Why Google Loves Blogs

Content is king! Change is Queen! Google loves companies that put lots of content on the Internet and change it often. Google finds the technology/database/language that blogs are based on, very easy to understand and index. So what you have is a technology tool that is easy to index, it’s content rich, and change focused. … Continue reading